Colel Market - Colel Chabad


the necessary steps to savings

Colel Chabad-Tsfat’s “Colel Market” is a unique service that enables area residents to purchase basic foods and household supplies for just slightly above the manufacturers’ cost.

The “Colel Market” is a large supermarket spread out over hundreds of square meters. The store features a pleasant shopping environment and significantly cheaper pricing. Here one can find all household necessities at extremely favorable prices including frozen foods, meat and dairy products, and fresh produce of the highest quality and standards of kashruth.

The Colel market is dedicated to the interests of its consumers through outstanding service and respect. No sales and marketing pressure is allowed so that shoppers buy only what they truly need. Every weeks Colel Market attracts hundreds of customers who enjoy the service and the opportunity to save significant sums that are critical for families living in reduced economic circumstances.

Shopping at Colel Market enables the consumer to develop  smart and restrained buying habits, to avoid the temptations of nearby supermarkets, and to know what the pricing is.  When entering a large retail store, customers are surrounded by promotions that push  them to make impulsive purchases. At Colel Market there are no promotions because the entire inventory is priced at rock bottom.

This project benefits everyone through the best of anonymous and invisible tzedakah. It empowers the poor to shop without shame, and seamlessly saves needy families hundreds of shekels every month, even as they develop thrifty household habits.

The cost of maintaining such an emporium is high. Suppliers do not always cooperate, and known brands are unwilling to reduce prices. This means Colel Chabad must subsidize many of the products offered. This is in addition to the significant maintenance costs, salaries, utilities, air conditioning, bookkeeping etc.

Join us today, and enjoy the merit of taking part in a wonderful project that saves so much money for so many households, with dignity and wisdom.  Donate now.

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